Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is more than simply using natural substances and modalities in place of western (allopathic) medicines. It embodies a different paradigm, a different way of looking at the human body, at illness and the healing process.
Naturopathy allows that the human body is always working toward a healthy state, that illness is brought on by a disturbance in the natural balance. Healing is accomplished by ridding the disturbance and supporting the body's own healing mechanisms.
These ideas can be seen in our guiding principles.
Naturopathic Principles
- First do no harm / Premum Non Nocere
- The healing power of nature/The Vis Medicatrix Naturae
- Identify and treat the cause / Tolle Causam
- Doctor as teacher / Docere
- Treat the whole person / Holism
- Prevention
Individual Medicine
We are as different inside as we are outside.
Some people make more digestive enzymes.
Some people naturally detox faster or different.
Some people metabolize faster.